Make A Change With REAL POWER

#1 Prairie Lamb
Recommend for
- Bad coat
- Hair follicle destruction
- Mild allergic conditions
- Gastrointestinal diseases & enteritis

This dog has an adverse food reaction that leads to inflammatory symptom on the skin, and the parent was struggled to find the appropriate diet until they heard about us.

Natural fat from lamb and Omega-3 from fish oil promote healthy follicle and enhance skin hydration, this formula supports the growth of shiny glossy coat.

#3 Ocean Salmon
Recommend for
- Severe allergic condition
- Atopic dermatitis & pododermatitis
- Cardiovascular diseases
- Obesity

Our Corgi had been suffering from severe allergic conditions in ears, nose, paws and particularly the thighs area. The food allergy is the biggest concern, but the season change also makes a lot more difficult to maintain the condition.

Providing the necessary nutrients to recover skin damage and inflammation to improves the skin quality, supporting the immune balance to reduce recurrent allergic conditions.

My Ange is 12years old and having difficulty to eat food.
And I have to feed her soften one and feed her one piece of each slowly.

But look‼️ In these days I try to give her No.3 Ocean Salmon formula and she is enjoying by herself even hard one. And surprisingly she is licking plate even she finish eat them up all.
Thank you REAL POWER!

#5 Lake Turtle
Recommend for
- Senior, weak dog & post operation
- Cardiovascular diseases
- Joint diseases
- Severe allergic condition
- Inflammation mitigation

She used to struggle with recurrent allergic conditions and it even happened on rainy days. Once she started to scratch, her parent will take her to see a veterinary and because the wounds from scratching, she had to wear a protective collar at all times. Although there was an improvement from the prescribed medicine and injection, but her condition became more regular and have to see a veterinary every 2 to 3 weeks.

Our exclusive formula has given everything to improve the conditions with nutritious novel protein sources and supreme nutrients to keep a young heart and great mobility.

#3 Ocean Salmon
Recommend for
- Bad coat
- hair follicle destruction
- Atopic dermatitis
- Inflammation mitigation

Coat becomes shiner, healthier and reduced shedding, and it also eased the tear stain problem.

Chin Acne was gone ! And the coat is fluffy and shiny with REAL POWER!
Enhanced nutrition nourishes the skin and hair conditions, it is suitable for tear stain, ears problem, excessive shedding, fungus infection and chin acne.
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